March 11, 2021
Kindergarten has been studying all about weather. Students have explored different kinds of weather, charted out the weather each day this month to see if there is a pattern in ou...
March 8, 2021
EMF FFA/Ag Ed students had a successful showing at District CDE’s on March 2nd. Everything will be held virtually this year and during the school day. Those qualifying included...
January 22, 2021
Below are links to the recent feasibility/curriculum studies with Friend and Fillmore Central.
Friend Curriculum Study
Fillmore Central-preliminary report
Fillmore Cen...

December 22, 2020
story here, links to apps. embed video here brief instructions on downloading app/subscribing to notifications

December 22, 2020
As we begin the second semester, we will try to share stories and pictures of the class of 2021. If you have anything you would like to share, please send the information/picture...